Email Inspection Results

If you would like the nomination to automatically be sent to an additional recipient(s), please see Adding Nomination Recipients

If you would like the inspection company to send their inspection results to additional users, there is a section for this on the nomination. Please note that there is no automation in this feature. The email addresses added in this section will be included in the nomination PDF to the inspection company and it is their responsibility to ensure that the inspection results reach the intended parties. 


1. Navigate to the "Email Quantity Inspection Results to" or "Email Quality Inspection Results to" section on the nomination form

2. Fill in the desired recipients email addresses

3. To double-check, once the nomination is save and issued, navigate to the comm log 

4. Notice that the email addresses are not included in the automated nomination email that was sent

5. Select the nomination PDF and notice that the emails from the nomination are listed as instructions:

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