An operator in Navarik Inspection has the ability to revise an issued nomination if an update to the movement is necessary. For example, if the nomination was first set to be a "Quality Only" job and later was to include a "Quantity" piece as well, this can still be changed.
NOTE: This may not be possible for voyage parcels that originated via webservices (created outside of the Navarik Inspection user interface)
This is also limited by nomination type. Sample nominations do not have a quantity piece.
1. Navigate to the nomination you wish to update
2. Select the wrench icon on the top left-hand side:
3. Scroll to the section where inspection requirements are and change the selection from "No" to "Yes"
4. Fill in a revision comment and save and issue the nomination:
At this point, the voyage viewone page should have changed from the N/A sign next to the Quantity inspection to a red X:
NOTE: If you are changing a quantity-only nomination to include a quality inspection, you will have to change Quality to "YES" as well as select "Add Set" before you can add tests and slates: