If you are a system administrator and come across a user account that is marked "Inactive" but needs to access the system, there are two options to assist the user to regain access to the system:
1. Navigate to the user account, select the "Actions" drop-down menu and click "Activate"
This will allow the user to regain access to the system with their password without having to change it.
Should the user not remember their password and need to create a new one, the option to reset the password is still available:
2. Navigate to the user account, select the "Actions" drop-down menu and click "Reset Password"
At this point, the user should have received an email with a link to create a new password. The user will have 5 days to reset their password before the link expires. If they need more time, please reset their password once more.
If the user does not receive a password reset email, please see "I Did Not Receive a Password Reset Email"
If you are not a system administrator user and need your account reactivated, please reach out to your company system administrator.
For accounts not active since 2020, please reach out to [email protected] for further instructions.