If you are a user with system administrator permissions, please follow the below steps to create a new user account. If you are not a system administrator and would like a user account in Navarik Inspection, please get in touch with a system administrator at your company.
1. The first step is to make sure you have all of the information needed for the account
- An email address
- Role(s) needed for the user account
- Office the user account will be assigned to
- Environment (Production, UAT)
- NOTE: If you are looking to have an account created in the Integration (Integ) environment, please contact a Navarik Support Agent with the above information
2. Now you are ready to create a person account
- Navigate to the Catalogue (or Master Data) menu >> Company/ People Directory
- Click on the company you would like to add the person to
- In the company record, click on the office that you want to add the person to
d. Click "Add Person" (the Create Person dialog box appears)
e. Fill in the required fields (these fields are marked with an asterisk *)
f. Click "Save". The person is added and displayed in the company record. Once the person is added, you can create a user account
3. Create a User Account for the Person:
- On the right-hand side, you will see the person record with a function that reads "Create User Account" - Click it
b. Enter the desired user roles and user name
c. *IMPORTANT* make sure the email address is correct as this cannot be changed after
d. Save
e. Reset the users' password by clicking on the "Actions" drop-down menu and clicking "Reset Password"
At this point, the user will have received a notice to confirm their account. After confirming, please prompt them to follow the Password Recovery steps.